10 November | Birmingham
February 2024 | London
Developing better leaders in health and care

The BMJ Leader Live Regional Conference will take place in 2024 at The Studio in Birmingham.

| 08:30-09:00

| 09:00-09:30


  • Dr. James Mountford, Health Strategy Officer, Galileo Global Education, France
  • Amit Nigam, Deputy Editor in Chief, BMJ Leader, Professor of Management, Bayes Business School

| 09:30 - 10:20

The opening keynote address will explore the themes of equality, diversity, inclusivity and belonging in the workplace. This session will look at how these relate to healthcare leadership and being an authentic leader.


  • Fatima Khan-Shah, Inclusivity champion, West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

| 10:20 - 10:40

| 10:40 - 11:20

Working with transgender people can cause a great deal of anxiety for many people. Understanding what to say and what not to say can feel like a minefield. This session will not only give you the basics of the correct language to use, but more importantly, give you the tools to know how to respond when you get it wrong. After the session, you should feel more confident when encountering transgender people both at work and in your social life.


  • Nat Thorne, Education, Evaluation, and Research Associate, Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health

| 11:20 - 12:00

This session will be focused on individual and systems leadership and how we can equip and mobilise all health care professionals to lead with and for kindness


  • Gabrielle Matthews, Children and Young people’s advocate and Academic foundation doctor, University College London

| 12:00 - 13:00

| 13:00 - 13:50

Belonging and identity are integral to a team’s success. By leading a team with a culture of acceptance, inclusion and equality and valuing a team member’s uniqueness and identity we create a more cohesive and higher performing team.


| 13:50 - 14:30

This session will cover some of the findings from research that Adam conducted at an acute hospital trust and also a personal reflection from a near miss that he was involved in during his flying training. Adam hopes to highlight how a Just Culture can help an organisation learn from adverse events and the individuals involved improve and return to work with confidence. Some of the key traits of the Fleet Air Arm’s safety culture will be identified along with suggestions of how they may be employed in a healthcare setting.


  • Adam Tasker, Foundation Doctor, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

| 14:30 - 14:50

| 14:50 - 15:30

This workshop aims to take a deep dive into what collective or shared leadership really means. Participants will be invited to explore how we liberate ourselves from the status quo of traditional, hierarchical forms of leadership within health and care and identify what an enabling culture of leadership for all could look like at self, team, organisation and system level. Recent data will be shared with colleagues on the barriers to leadership development for clinical colleagues with an exploration of possible strategies to overcome these. In the spirit of collective leadership, this workshop does not aim to provide all the answers; it aims to draw on the lived experiences and reflections of all those in attendance to see if we can pioneer collective leadership together.


  • Rammina Yassaie, Senior Lecturer in Leadership, Centre for Leadership in Health and Social Care, Sheffield Hallam University

| 15:30 - 16:25

There is now a wealth of evidence that healthcare organisations are more effective, provide safer care, and have more engaged staff if they are diverse and inclusive, creating workplaces that are psychologically safe and enable compassionate care. This session will draw extensively on research to explore some of that evidence, consider why the NHS has struggled to act on it, and discuss what needs to be done to create such a workplace climate.


| 16:25 - 16:30


  • Dr. James Mountford, Health Strategy Officer, Galileo Global Education, France
  • Amit Nigam, Deputy Editor in Chief, BMJ Leader, Professor of management, Bayes Business School